
Design an AI-powered service enabling users to generate interactive maps from any location-based text. The goal was to create an intuitive interface that anyone can easily use and create maps in seconds

Web: Desktop & Mobile

Best Educational Tool 2022
Travel Massive - Hot in Travel
Global top 100 Geospatial Tool

Head of Product
Design Lead
UX/UI Design

A smart map that connects and interacts with the text source
Users see can see their map coming to life as Textomap scans the text and finds locations, placing them on the map and connecting pins on the map to the locations found in the text.

Providing the easiest way to create a map on the go
Maps are updated automatically when editing the text, this enables users to create and manage their maps
from their mobile phones like never before.

Create content and search for information with ChaGPT
Users can create maps with ease by asking ChatGPT for information and visualizing the output on a map. Textomap provides a unique solution to map creation with intuitive UX guiding users.

Manage and edit maps
After users created their maps they can manage and edit them easily via the dashboard and with the various customization options

WordPress Plugin
Generate maps from your blogs in seconds. Edit, Customise, and embed them in minutes.

Chrome Extension
Creating maps is as easy as bookmarking a page! Generate and view maps in the same tab as
you move between websites, social media, and emails.